Form “C”
Every keeper/owner of a 'Hotel,' or a host of an Individual house, shall mandatorily submit the details of the Foreign National in a prescribed Form-C, which is the arrival report of the foreigner at within 24 hours of the arrival of the foreigner at their premises. Failure to comply with the mandated regulations would be violation under the Foreigners Act, 1946.
For this purpose the meaning of “ Hotel” includes any boarding-house, club, dak-bungalow, resting house, hostel, paying guest house, Sarai, rented accommodation, hospital or other premises of like nature furnished or unfurnished, where lodging or sleeping accommodation is provided to foreigners for free or for reward or with or without any consideration.
In addition, keepers of premises of religious institutions, charitable trusts, other trusts, public organisations, or any other organisation or entity of social or religious or of public nature, furnished or unfurnished shall also be required to furnish Form-C.
The link below will guide you to a Step-by-Step guide for filling Form-C:
How to register Form-C.pdf attachment- How to register Form-C
Form “A”
Every recognised University and Educational institution shall furnish particulars of all Foreign National students in the prescribed format i.e. “Form A” to the jurisdictional FRRO/FRO at
OCI Cardholders are exempted from “Form-A” requirements. However, in case an OCI card holder wishes to pursue research activities in India, he/ she shall obtain the permission for the same by applying online for OCI Miscellaneous Service.
Educational institutes are required to periodically update Form-A entries for foreign national students.